Sunday, November 13, 2011

the quantum leap-choose a different set of risks

Today with only 2 shifts left to work at the job i have worked at for over 28 years, i feel motivated to offer the following words. i have been blessed with receiving much inspiration over the last few months in the way of positive and loving emails from supportive friends who also have made the leap to the life that they say they really want. i choose to be a leader, a person who inspires others. i cannot do any work for another, i can only show by my actions, by my own leap of faith, that the universe supports us more fully, more abundantly than we could ever imagine or do on our own.
i do not know who wrote this, someone gave this to me and now i give to you. dream big and allow. "going for the quantum leap feels chancey. the risks hit you as rather apparent, and may be quite threatening, but you must stack them up against the hidden risks you accept when you decide to live with the status quo. ask yourself what you're risking if you do not go for the quantum leap. the risk is that you won't get what you really want out of life. you have got to understand that you can never excape risk. it is not something you can decide to live with or without. something is always at stake. you can only decide which risks to take. whether you choose to go for the quantum leap, or to follow your usual routines, you are putting something on the line. so choose carefully, and don't kid yourself with the idea that "playing it safe" by living with the status quo gives you the best odds. that may be the surest way of losing. quantum leaps do mean that to some degree you must move beyond the zone of familiarity, security, and comfort, but you can make the jump without being reckless or impulsive. frankly, making a quantum leap is not mere gambling. it's not a crapshoot. you simply move on to an opportunity you have been ignoring. you abandon your excuses. you reframe the problem. you take a completly different chance. a quantum leap is risking in a way that unmasks the truth, revealing how the only thing of significance that has been standing in the way is you. risk believing in yourself. risk acting on the assumption that you can succeed in making a quantum leap. otherwise, the risk is that you will settle for only a fraction of what life has to give you. this is not a case of taking a big chance, it is a matter of giving yourself a big chance. the major obstacle to overcoming the odds is never challenging them. until you test the limits regarding what you can achieve, you cannot truly know what your chances really are. and the odds change in your favor when you begin to challenge them. but if you try to minimize your vulnerability by avoiding a new set of risks, you kill your chances for a quantum leap."

as a friend on facebook said on one of my posts, come on in, the water is fine!!! and i KNOW it. love and blessings for your own personal quantum leap!